
Macro system

macro_rules! system {
        $(#[$quantities_attr:meta])* quantities: $quantities:ident {
            $($(#[$name_attr:meta])* $name:ident: $unit:ident, $symbol:ident;)+
        $(#[$units_attr:meta])* units: $units:ident {
    ) => { ... };
        $(#[$quantities_attr:meta])* quantities: $quantities:ident {
            $($(#[$name_attr:meta])* $name:ident: $unit:ident, $symbol:ident;)+
        $(#[$units_attr:meta])* units: $units:ident {
            $(mod $module:ident::$quantity:ident,)+
    ) => { ... };
        @quantities $path:path,
    ) => { ... };
    (@replace $_t:tt $sub:ty) => { ... };
Expand description

Macro to implement a system of quantities. @... match arms are considered private.

  • $quantities_attr: System of quantities attributes. Generally used to set documentation comments for the system of quantities.
  • $quantities: Name of the system of quantities (e.g. ISQ).
  • $name_attr: Base quantity attributes. Generally used to set documentation comments for base units.
  • $name: Name of the base quantities for the system of quantities (e.g. length, mass, …). Note that this name must match the module name of the quantity.
  • $unit: Base unit of the quantity (e.g. meter, kilogram).
  • $symbol: Dimension symbol of the quantity.
  • $units_attr: System of units attributes. Generally used to set documentation comments for the system of units.
  • $units: Name of the system of units (e.g. SI).
  • $module: Module name of the quantity. When prefixed by the mod keyword the module must already be defined with the #[macro_use] attribute. A #[macro_use] pub mod $module; statement is generated if this variable is not prefixed by the mod keyword.
  • $quantity: Quantity name (e.g. Length, Mass, …).

An example invocation is given below for a meter-kilogram-second system. The #[macro_use] attribute must be used when including the uom crate to make the system! macro available.

extern crate uom;

system! {
    /// System of quantities, Q.
    quantities: Q {
        length: meter, L;
        mass: kilogram, M;
        time: second, T;
    /// System of units, U.
    units: U {
        mod length::Length,
        mod mass::Mass,
        mod time::Time,