
Macro ISQ

macro_rules! ISQ {
    ($path:path) => { ... };
    ($path:path, $V:ty) => { ... };
    ($path:path, $V:ty, $U:tt) => { ... };
Expand description

Macro to implement quantity type aliases for a specific system of units and value storage type.

  • $system: Path to the module where the system! macro was run (e.g. uom::si).
  • $V: Underlying value storage type (e.g. f32).
  • $U: Optional. Base units. Pass as a tuple with the desired units: (e.g. (meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole, candela)). The system’s base units will be used if no value is provided. When a value is provided a new trait type alias, Units, is defined. Note that a unit with a non-zero constant factor is not currently supported as a base unit.

An example invocation is given below for a meter-kilogram-second system setup in the module mks with a system of quantities name Q. The #[macro_use] attribute must be used when including the uom crate to make macros for predefined systems available. The optional units parameter to change the base units is included commented out.

extern crate uom;

mod f32 {
    Q!(crate::mks, f32/*, (centimeter, gram, second)*/);