
Module thermodynamic_temperature

Expand description

Thermodynamic temperature (base unit kelvin, K).

Thermodynamic temperature has the same dimensions as temperature interval but is not directly comparable. Thermodynamic temperature is the absolute measure of temperature and is one of the base quantities in the ISQ. Temperature interval is the measure of relative temperature difference between thermodynamic temperatures.

let tt = ThermodynamicTemperature::new::<thermodynamic_temperature::kelvin>(1.0);
let ti = TemperatureInterval::new::<temperature_interval::kelvin>(1.0);

// error[E0308]: mismatched types
let err = tt == ti;

Additionally, addition and subtraction are not implemented for thermodynamic temperature.

let t1 = ThermodynamicTemperature::new::<thermodynamic_temperature::kelvin>(1.0);
let t2 = ThermodynamicTemperature::new::<thermodynamic_temperature::kelvin>(1.0);

// error[E0308]: mismatched types
let err = t1 + t2;

A temperature interval can be added to or subtracted from a thermodynamic temperature.

let tt = ThermodynamicTemperature::new::<thermodynamic_temperature::kelvin>(1.0);
let ti = TemperatureInterval::new::<temperature_interval::kelvin>(1.0);

let result = tt + ti;





  • Quantity description.
  • Iterate over all defined units for this quantity.

Type Aliases§